Sunday 29 March 2015

Earth Hour 2015

Strawberry scented candle from booth
So I went to the Earth Hour Night Walk at Sunway Pyramid last night and IT WAS SO COOL! If you are a WWF-Malaysia donor, you will get invitations to amazing events like this.

Source: WWF Malaysia Facebook page
Earth Hour 2015 Night Walk map (for Selangor event).
This was my first night walk, although I've been supporting Earth Hour for many years. There were two major places for this year's Earth Hour Malaysia - Penang and Selangor. I believed there was another one in Sabah but there's not much hype about it. Event started from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm, but by 7.30 pm the crowds were already building up.

The emcees were hilarious. There was a cosplay event happening on the same day so many curious cosplayers were there to see what the hype is all about. Boleh plak emcee tu gi tarik sorg to the front. Sorg kena tarik, the rest followed. Yg lg satu emcee gigih kejar a female cosplayer around the building. Not sure whether he managed to call her out though. Fun part is, the other participants cheered loudly for them. Very Malaysian lah!


I didn't take any photo of the walk because, duhh, it was dark. But all I can say is, it was a well organized, very happening one.
Just before the walk
Done! Yay for the goodies!
I'm going for next year's event, that's fosho. Maybe this time, a volunteer? *excited*

Just some fyi's...

What is Earth Hour?
Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF that aims to create awareness to conserve energy. Earth Hour started in Sydney, Australia in 2007 and has attracted more than 100 countries ever since!

What do I do during Earth Hour?
Show your support by switching off all lights for one hour (yes, just one hour) from 8.30 pm - 9.30 pm. However, your support should not end there. Go the extra miles by instilling awareness of global warming by joining campaigns, reduce carbon footprint by the 3R methods (reduce, reuse, recycle), change to hybrid cars (I'm saving up money to buy one myself!) and many more.

How do I participate in the Earth Hour Malaysia Night Walk?
Just fill out the online form on its official website. Not sure if the website remains the same each year but I registered at Pay RM60 for the walk pack (consists of an Earth Hour T-Shirt, a car decal, e-certificate of participation, and a 10% voucher for You will then receive a confirmation email together with the receipt. A few weeks before the event, they will inform you where and when to collect the walk pack (yes, it's self-collect). You can also register on the event day itself but t-shirt sizes are limited! Profits from the walk will be used for conservation purposes. Noble plus fun, isn't it?

Earth Hour 2015 T-shirt design. Cute!
Learn other ways you can help WWF HERE.

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