Saturday 13 June 2015

Travel 2015: Rottnest Island

Our third day was the highlight of our trip -- or at least mine.



In case you don't know, Rottnest Island (or Rotto by the locals) is an island off of Perth. It is home to the happiest animal on earth - the Quokkas!

What I like about this island is that it is vehicle-free, except for the tour busses. That means to explore the island you can either go by foot (which I tabik spring if you do), bicycle (most popular choice), or bus (most convenient). Read more HERE.

Going to Rotto, we took Bus 158 to Freo then hopped a ferry. We heard that Rotto is pretty deserted in the winter but we purchased our tickets the night before anyway. You know, just to be safe.

The whole you-can-have-the-island-to-yourself claims were LIES! The ferry was packed with homosapiens! (Read: humans) I can't imagine what it's like in the Summer.

The ferry has bike rentals too that you can add into your ticket purchase.

We arrived at Rotto slightly after 10 am and immediately went to the bike rental to rent our bikes.

Lari punya la lari takut basikal habis -.-' You don't have to worry about not getting a bike coz they are abundant! SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, EXTRA LARGE you name it! I took the small one coz I have short legs lol! Make sure you check the brakes. We forgot to check that out of excitement and both our front brakes were not functioning well. Thank god for the back brakes though! Bike rental is AUD$30 per bike with extra charges on locks and other stuff. Also there's a deposit of AUD$100 which you will get back after returning the bike (provided you return them back as they were la brooo)

After some testing and checks we're ready to ride around the world! (OK. Island. Fine.)

Map of Rotto just outside the rental's exit
Ready to GOOOO...
... Not before we had our brunch though :D.
Saw a quokka sleeping near Subway. Lol too cute!
I forgot to take off my helmet. BAHAHAHA

Hey Mr Duckie!
We decided to start up north first since the lady at the information center said most tourists start South. Yeah we stray from the norm. We're the norm strayer. Didn't have to go far till we spotted three quokkas by the street. *SCREEEEEEEAAAMMMMM*


Meet the happiest animal on Earth!
Quokkas are nocturnal animals which surprised us to see them roaming that morning. Also you can get fined for feeding and touching them. We saw them foraging for food but the leaves on the ground were all dried up and they can't reach the ones high up the tree. So I thought, heck it's not that I feed them human food!

Jangan gigit. Aku ketuk kepala hang.
Not long after, people started flocking the place so we resumed exploring. Each stop we went we took pictures, which probably explains why we didn't get to explore too far. :/ I suggest if you're planning to visit Rotto, overnight there 'coz there's just sooooo much to discover!

One thing I'd like to comment is the lack of signboards around the island. We got lost a couple of times which was frustrating since we didn't have much time. We're not that good with maps either *trying hard not to blame Waze*

One of the many times we got lost :(
Thankfully we got back to the information center just in time for the Quokka Walk. Wuhoooo... It's a free walking tour to the quokka nests. It was hard to take a quick selfie with them since they just DON'T.STAY.STILL!

After the tour, we cycled some distance down south before finally returned the bikes to the rental at 3.30 pm. Spent close to an hour lounging before finally heading to the jetty for the last ferry out of Rotto.

Sunset at O'Connor Landing
What can I say, Rotto is beautiful! I love the cute quokkas, I LOVE EVERYTHING! The water is crystal clear, there were hardly any litter on the ground, and the scenery, SubhanAllah, absolutely captivating!

My take? If you're a nature lover, you'd love this place. We were lucky the weather was really on our side the entire day. Don't forget to bring wet wipes to clean your hands as our bike chains fell off a couple of times.

I wanted to stay longer as I didn't get to go round the island long enough. But another side of me felt good. Hey, more reason to come back to Perth then! :)

BAHAHAHAHA Banyak duit kau.

**PSA: Please support my travel adventures by signing up to Airbnb here. You will get instant travel credits just by signing up! #howcoolisdat

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