Friday 12 June 2015

Warm Winter Wanderlust

When I first heard from my dad that I had a free AirAsia ticket to any ASEAN country I've yet to use, I didn't know what to react. For one.. WHAT IS THIS FREE TICKET I KNOW NONE OF? Two, WHY THE SHORT NOTICE????

How short? It was mid May. I had to utilize it by July. Ramadhan in mid June. SAY WHAAAAAA~

Oh well, at least there will be some spontaneity. Spontaneity is good... Right?


I had less than 2 weeks to plan, apply for leaves, get a visa yadayadayada.. Not to mention my colleague was in her final pregnancy trimester and was due anytime soon. AAAAAND I had a major project going on.

Serius stress weihhh.. Like nak cekik orang type of stress.

Thank god sis tagged along (or I tagged her) so I left the planning and ticket purchases to her. She suggested Perth since we have two relatives staying there. Accommodation all kaodim.

Ok lah, off to beautiful Perth we go!

*Since we had our accommodation all taken care of, I can't really recommend any good place to stay. But if you're looking for a place to stay in Perth, why not try somewhere unconventional such as those in Airbnb? In fact, here's some travel credits for you when you sign up!


We reached Perth International Airport just after sunrise. Immigration was okay, my sis was stopped by the customs because she declared some stuff but she was cleared fairly quickly. The only thing I hated was the long snake-like line.

The moment we stepped outside the arrival gate, a (strong) cold breeze greeted us. It just turned winter in Perth and although Perth is warm in the afternoon, the morning's below 10 degrees is still chill-to-the-bones cold for someone who lives in an all-year round hot and humid country.

We met with our cousin shortly after and he drove us to his house in Picton. That afternoon, his wife took us to Freemantle (or Freo by the locals) for some sightseeing. Lovely place! We went to the market to buy some fruits, saw some fire fuming bag pipe performance, and I had my first taste of churros (yes, a newbie. Laugh all you want)!

Popcorn stall in the market
Outside churros


Fire fuming bag pipe performance. I can't seem to capture the fire. Sorry folks!
For dinner we went to our dad's cousin's house near the airport. She's been living in Australia for many years now. We told her we're coming so she cooked us delicious briyani kambing, sambal udang, and other Malay dishes.

Sedap bak hang makan macam org dah lama tak balik Malaysia gittew...

We also celebrated Azizah's 18th birthday. Happy belated birthday Azizah!

They have a cat but it hid away from us. Thought it was roaming outside but turned out it was in the house hiding our whole entire stay!

Oh well that was it for Day 1. Went back to Picton extremely tired. Took a short shower then off to Dreamland...

PSA! Please support my travel adventures by signing up to Airbnb here. You will get instant travel credits just by signing up! #howcoolisdat #kipidap

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