Saturday 10 October 2015

Aida Gets Deep: Stay Humble

Source: Google
Yesterday I woke up for work to a whatsapp message that got me really upset.  I will not disclose what happened here because it involves people close to me.

It made me look back to a "quote" I live by...
"When you have nothing, be humble.
When you have everything, stay humble."
If you have a stable job with a stable income, can you 100% guarantee that your company won't throw you out?

If you have a successful business, can you 100% guarantee it will remain so in 5, 10 years (or more)?

If you have a big, luxurious car, can you 100% guarantee it won't get into an accident and burst into flames?

If you have a beautiful family, can you 100% guarantee their good health and safety?

Can you 100% guarantee you'll live past 100 years?

If your answer is yes, I want to meet you.

If no, be humble, and treat people good. Not everyone is as lucky as you.
And not all the time you will be as lucky.


Source: Facebook

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Saturday 3 October 2015

REVIEW: Tenggol Coral Beach Resort

If you guys read my post about my scuba diving experience, you probably know about my stay at Tenggol Island.

Tenggol Island is situated off the coast of Terengganu. To get there, you need to take a 45-minute boat from the Dungun jetty. There are only two resorts in Tenggol - we stayed at Tenggol Coral Beach Resort.

Source: Tenggol Coral Beach Resort Facebook page
We took the full board diving package inclusive of:
  • 3 nights accommodation
  • Boat transfers
  • Meals: 3x breakfast, 3x lunch, 3x dinner
  • Open water diving course
  • Diving equipment
  • Unlimited coffee & tea at the diving center
We also upgraded our stay to the beach front view because.. why not?

Total: RM 1,988 (weekend, non-peak season) 

Beach view from chalet
Alamak ter-enter frame 
Bungalow chalet next to ours
Current rates
Overall Rating: 4.5/5.0
  • Comfortable and clean
  • Chalet not far from diving centre
  • Food was good. There's all-day toast if you ever get hungry after diving
  • Diving equipment in good condition
  • Beautiful diving sites (we went to Tanjung Api, Turtle Point)
  • Clean beach
  • Swings!
  • FOC diving equipment for 12 months!
  • Free t-shirt
  • No wifi, no phone service (except Celcom & RedOne. Tapi tu pun macam biskut. Sekejap ada sekejap tak ada)
  • Water heater installed in chalet, but no hot water
  • Packages quite pricey
  • Rats, rats everywhere
  • HAZE! (not the resort's fault though it kinda affected our mood) #terimakasihindonesia

So before you come here, get ready a big bottle of mineral water. Seriously the water doesn't taste filtered at all. I'm often OK with weird tasting water but THIS! I can't swallow at all. I think the resort tried to tone down the salty taste by adding LOADS of flavoured water but then it ended up tasting super sweet + super salty. The filtered water at the diving center was still drinkable to me (not to Yasmin though). She read reviews about the water problem (so it's not us yang mengada ok?!) and so we stopped at a petrol station in Dungun to buy a 6L water. It lasted throughout our stay but that prolly was because I didn't drink much plus I refilled my bottle at the centre. So if you are a heavy H2O drinker, you probably need to bring more.

Also before you come to Tenggol, try to ask the resort to reserve you a chalet away from the big trees. Ours was right below I-don't-know-what-tree-was-it-but-you-can-see-from-the-pictures-above and each time the wind blows, big seeds came falling on the zinc roof. The first time it happened gave a huge scare to us.

The culprit
The culprit's sidekick
The culprit's sidekick's sidekicks
But overall, I must say this is a diving heaven for all divers. Loads of nudibranch for you nudibranch lovers! Nothing much to do in the island so if you're not into diving or snorkeling, you'd probably bore yourself to death (did I tell you there's no wifi and phone service here?).

For me, I will definitely come here again! Still haven't cross out whale sharks sighting from my bucket list yet!

Whale Shark Sighting #jealous
Source: Tenggol Coral Beach Resort Facebook page 
Must remember to buy a Celcom/RedOne simcard before I come! Hahaha...

EXTRA! On our last night, a huge storm came to visit. I was bored so decided to take a video. Kinda cool sighting tbh.

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Friday 2 October 2015

REVIEW : Pets Wonderland Cat Tree

Louie aka WeeWee has this habit of leaping onto our kitchen counter and drinking from the faucet. Cute? Yes. Annoying? HELL YES!

So I decided to go to Pets Wonderland at Paradigm Mall to search for a cat tree for him. I read an article somewhere that cats love high grounds. You know, it's a territorial thang.. Anyway, I went there and all the tall cat trees are waaaaay beyond my budget. After annoying the staff with so many questions (she was very patient and helpful though), I finally decided upon a fairly decent one for RM93.90. 

Sorry, don't know what brand. Not mentioned on the box, nor in the receipt :/

Mr Inspector inspecting his new toy

He just upgraded himself to Mr Nosy Inspector

After 20 minutes....
I put him there, of course. LOL! He sniffed a little and started grooming himself. I assume he likes it?

Overall Score: 4.0/5
  • Easy to assemble
  • Instructions easy to understand - no words though, just pictures
  • Good quality
  • Friendly staff (Look for Stephanie. She's very helpful!)
  • Not sturdy/stable
  • He's not using it.

It's been two days now, and frankly he just walks past it like it doesn't exist! So I'm teaching him to get up by using treats and the command "Up". Been progressing well so far. Will keep you guys updated!

Note: Originally I purchased a different model exactly like this one...

As I was assembling it, I noticed there was one screw missing. So I went back to the store to get the screw but later exchanged it with a different model entirely because WeeWee couldn't fit into the pouch. I laughed my head off seeing him squeezed into the pouch like a stuffed potato. He, on the other hand, was not amused. 

It was still funny though. :'D

UPDATE! He's still not using it. Grr.. oh well. Siapa nak?

LOUIE IS ON INSTAGRAM! Follow him HERE to keep updated on his latest antics!

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